PHPize Online / SQLize Online  /  SQLtest Online

Share      Blog   Popular is a free online environment for quickly running, experimenting with and sharing PHP (including Carbon extension for DateTime) and SQL code. You can run your SQL code with PHP code that can use the same DB. For database manipulations you can use pre-defined instances of PDO ($pdo), mysqli ($mysqli) & Laravel query builder ($db)

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<?php use Carbon\Carbon; $now = Carbon::now()->format('d/m/Y'); printf("Today is %s\nCurrent PHP version: %s \n\n", $now, phpversion()); $query = "SELECT VERSION() as version;"; global $wpdb; $sql = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * WHERE " . $condition . " LIMIT $offset, 5"); // get DB version using PDO $stmt = $pdo->prepare($query); $stmt->execute(); $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); printf('DB version (PDO): %s ' . PHP_EOL, $row['version']); // Run query using mysqli $result = $mysqli->query($query); $version = $result->fetch_object(); printf('DB version (mysqli): %s ' . PHP_EOL, $version->version); // Select using Laravel $version = $db::select($query); printf('DB version (Laravel Query Builder): %s ' . PHP_EOL, $version[0]->version);
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