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We provide SQL and PHP online code editors which help you write and test run/execute your code online from your browser.
You can create here tables on top of the most used RDBMS versions MySQL 5.7, MySQL 5.7 Sakila (ReadOnly), MySQL 8.0, MySQL 8.0 Sakila (ReadOnly), MariaDB 11.5, SQLite 3, SQLite 3 Preloaded, PostgreSQL 10 Bookings (ReadOnly), PostgreSQL 11, PostgreSQL 12, PostgreSQL 13, PostgreSQL 14, PostgreSQL 15, MS SQL Server 2017, MS SQL Server 2019, MS SQL Server 2022, MS SQL Server 2022 AdventureWorks (ReadOnly), Firebird 4.0, Firebird 4.0 (Employee), Oracle Database 19c (HR), Oracle Database 21c, Oracle Database 23c Free, SOQOL, and run PHP (PHP 5.6, PHP 7.4, PHP 8.0, PHP 8.1, PHP 8.2.13) code that can use these databases.

We save your code snippets anonymously, so you can easily share them by sharing the URL after running the snippet. Every code snippet posted on this site can be used for free by any person under the CopyLeft license.

Thank you for using our site, keep visiting and happy coding!

Open Source Credits

We would like to send a big thank you to the following projects and the thousands of conributors that help make open source great!

Owned and developed by Slava Rozhnev

We open to collaboration on our telegram channel