PHPize Online / SQLize Online  /  SQLtest Online

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CREATE TABLE students ( student_id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, first_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, last_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, age INT, grade DECIMAL(3,2), course VARCHAR(50) ); -- Insert sample data INSERT INTO students (first_name, last_name, age, grade, course) VALUES ('John', 'Doe', 20, 8.5, 'Mathematics'), ('Jane', 'Smith', 19, 9.0, 'Physics'), ('Mike', 'Brown', 21, 7.8, 'Chemistry'), ('Sarah', 'Wilson', 20, 8.9, 'Biology'), ('Tom', 'Davis', 19, 8.2, 'Mathematics'); -- Verify the data SELECT * FROM students;
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<?php // Do NOT create new connection - use the predefined $mysqli variable instead $result = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM students LIMIT 2 , 5 "); $num = mysqli_num_rows($result); for($i=1; $i<=$num; $i++) { printr($row); echo " "; }
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