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CREATE TABLE SpecialityDoctors( id int not null primary key, name varchar(256), ); CREATE TABLE Doctors( id int not null primary key, fullName varchar(256), specialityId int not null CONSTRAINT FK_Doctors_SpecialityDoctors FOREIGN KEY (specialityId) REFERENCES SpecialityDoctors(id) ); CREATE TABLE Patients( id int not null primary key, fullName varchar(256) ); CREATE TABLE Preferences( id int not null primary key, IdSpeciality int not null, IdPatient int not null, Preference varchar(512) CONSTRAINT FK_Preference_SpecialityDoctors FOREIGN KEY (IdSpeciality) REFERENCES SpecialityDoctors(id) , CONSTRAINT FK_Preference_Patients FOREIGN KEY (IdPatient) REFERENCES Patients(id) ); CREATE TABLE Appointment( id int not null primary key, IdDoctor int not null, IdPatient int not null, apTime datetime not null, CONSTRAINT FK_Appointment_Doctors FOREIGN KEY (IdDoctor) REFERENCES Doctors(id) , CONSTRAINT FK_Appointment_Patients FOREIGN KEY (IdPatient) REFERENCES Patients(id) ); INSERT INTO SpecialityDoctors (id, name) VALUES (1, 'Cardiologist'), (2, 'Dermatologist'), (3, 'Endocrinologist'); -- -- INSERT INTO Doctors -- INSERT INTO Doctors (id, fullName, specialityId) -- VALUES -- (1, 'John Smith', 1), -- (2, 'Anna Johnson', 2), -- (3, 'Michael Davis', 3); -- -- INSERT INTO Patients -- INSERT INTO Patients (id, fullName) -- VALUES -- (1, 'Emily Brown'), -- (2, 'Daniel Wilson'), -- (3, 'Sophia Martinez'); -- -- INSERT INTO Preference -- INSERT INTO Preferences (Id, IdSpeciality, IdPatient, Preference) -- VALUES -- (1, 1, 1, 'Afraid of injections '), -- (2, 2, 2, 'I have soft skin,'), -- (3, 3, 3, 'I will only go to a woman'); -- -- INSERT INTO Appointment -- INSERT INTO Appointment (Id, IdDoctor, IdPatient, "Time") -- VALUES -- (1, 1, 1, '2023-05-17 10:00:00'), -- (2, 2, 2, '2023-05-18 14:30:00'), -- (3, 3, 3, '2023-05-19 09:45:00'); SELECT p.fullName AS PatientName, d.fullName AS DoctorName, AS Specialty, a.apTime AS AppointmentTime, pr.Preference as Preference FROM Appointment a JOIN Doctors d ON = a.IdDoctor JOIN Patients p ON = a.IdPatient JOIN Preferences pr ON pr.IdPatient = AND pr.IdSpeciality = d.specialityId JOIN SpecialityDoctors s ON = pr.IdSpeciality;
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<?php class Doctor { public $id; public $fullName; public $specialityId; public function __construct($id, $fullName, $specialityId){ $this-> id = $id; $this-> fullName = $fullName; $this-> specialityId = $specialityId; } }; class Patient { public $id; public $fullName; public function __construct($id,$fullName){ $this->id = $id; $this->fullName = $fullName; } } class Preferences { public $id; public $idSpeciality; public $idPatient; public $preference; public function __construct($id,$idSpeciality, $idPatient,$preference){ $this->id = $id; $this->idSpeciality = $idSpeciality; $this->idPatient = $idPatient; $this->preference = $preference; } } class Appointment{ public $id; public $idDoctor; public $idPatient; public $time; public function __construct($id, $idDoctor, $idPatient, $time){ $this -> id = $id; $this -> idDoctor = $idDoctor; $this -> idPatient = $idPatient; $this -> time = $time; } } function findById($arr,$id){ foreach( $arr as $el){ if($el->id == $id){ return $el; } } return null; } $doctors = [ new Doctor(1, 'John Smith', 1), new Doctor(2, 'Anna Johnson', 2), new Doctor(3, 'Michael Davis', 3) ]; $patients = [ new Patient(1, 'Emily Brown'), new Patient(2, 'Daniel Wilson'), new Patient(3, 'Sophia Martinez') ]; $preferences = [ new Preferences(1, 1, 1, 'Afraid of injections '), new Preferences(2, 2, 2, 'I have soft skin,'), new Preferences(3, 3, 3, 'I will only go to a woman') ]; $appointments = [ new Appointment(1, 1, 1, '2023-05-17 10:00:00'), new Appointment(2, 2, 2, '2023-05-18 14:30:00'), new Appointment(3, 3, 3, '2023-05-19 09:45:00') ]; // print_r($doctors); // print_r($patients); // print_r($preferences); // print_r($appointments); foreach($appointments as $appointment ){ $doctor = findById($doctors,$appointment->idDoctor); $patient = findById($patients, $appointment->idPatient); $preference = findById($preferences,$patient->id); $db::table('Patients')->insert(['id'=> $patient->id,'fullName'=>$patient->fullName]); $db::table('Doctors')->insert(['id'=> $doctor->id,'fullName'=>$doctor->fullName, 'specialityId'=>$doctor->specialityId]); $db::table('Preferences')->insert(['id'=> $preference->id,'IdSpeciality'=>$preference->idSpeciality, 'IdPatient'=>$preference->idPatient,'Preference'=>$preference->preference]); $db::table('Appointment')->insert(['id'=> $appointment->id,'IdDoctor'=>$appointment->idDoctor, 'IdPatient'=>$appointment->idPatient,'apTime'=>$appointment->time]); // print_r($appointment); // print_r($doctor); // print_r($patient); // print_r($preference); } $doctorsDB = $db::table('Doctors')->get(); print_r($doctorsDB);
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