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CREATE TABLE menu (`mid` int, `parent` varchar(4), `org` int, `item` varchar(8), `price` varchar(3)) ; INSERT INTO menu (`mid`, `parent`, `org`, `item`, `price`) VALUES (1, NULL, 1, 'Category', '1'), (2, '1', 1, 'Item 1', '$10'), (3, '1', 1, 'Item 2', '$12'), (4, NULL, 1, 'Category', '2'), (5, '4', 1, 'Item 3', '$12'), (6, '4', 1, 'Item 4', '$90') ;
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<?php $unique_id = session()->get('unique_id'); if($unique_id) { $state = $this->request->getPost('state'); $south = $this->db->table('states')->where(array('stateName'=>$state))->get()->getRow('south'); $own_items = $this->db->query("SELECT productType, count(productId) as cnt, IFNULL(sum(weight * qty),0) as weight, IFNULL(sum(total),0) as total FROM cart_temp where unique_id = '".$unique_id."' and productType='own'")->getRowArray(); $not_own_items = $this->db->query("SELECT productType, count(productId) as cnt, IFNULL(sum(weight * qty),0) as weight, IFNULL(sum(total),0) as total FROM cart_temp where unique_id = '".$unique_id."' and productType!='own'")->getRowArray(); //echo "select * from courier_charges where ".$own_items['weight']." between fromKg and toKg"; exit; if($state!='') { //{{New code begin //Weight multiplier $own_items_weight_multiplier = floor($own_items['weight']); $not_own_items_weight_multiplier = floor($not_own_items['weight']); $own_items_fractional_weight=$own_items['weight']-$own_items_weight_multiplier; $not_own_items_fractional_weight=$not_own_items['weight']-$not_own_items_weight_multiplier; //New code end }} $shipping = 0; $Oshipping = 0; if($own_items['cnt'] > 0) { $charge = $this->db->query("select * from courier_charges where ".$own_items['weight']." between fromKg and toKg")->getRowArray(); if($south==0) $shipping = $shipping + $charge['tn_own']; /*else if($south==1) $shipping = $own_items['weight'] * ($shipping + $charge['south_own']);*/ //{{New code begin else if($south==1){ $charge = $this->db->query("select * from courier_charges where ".$own_items_weight_multiplier." between fromKg and toKg")->getRowArray(); $shipping = $shipping + $charge['south_own']; } //New code end}} else if($south==2) $shipping = $shipping + $charge['roi']; } $diffWeight = 0; $extraWghtCost = 0; if($not_own_items['cnt'] > 0) { $Ocharge = $this->db->query("select * from courier_charges where ".$not_own_items['weight']." between fromKg and toKg")->getRowArray(); /*if($south==0) $Oshipping = $not_own_items['weight'] * ($Oshipping + $Ocharge['tn_other']);*/ //{{New code begin if($south==0) $Oshipping = $Oshipping + $Ocharge['tn_other']); //New code end}} else if($south==1) { /*$totWeight = $own_items['weight'] + $not_own_items['weight']; if(ceil($totWeight) > $totWeight) { $diffWeight = ceil($totWeight) - $totWeight; $extraWghtCost = $diffWeight * 20; } $Oshipping = $not_own_items['weight'] * ($Oshipping + $Ocharge['south_other']); */ //{{New code begin $Ocharge = $this->db->query("select * from courier_charges where ".$own_items_weight_multiplier." between fromKg and toKg")->getRowArray(); $Oshipping = $Oshipping + $Ocharge['south_other']); //New code end}} } else if($south==2) $Oshipping = $Oshipping + $Ocharge['roi']; } //Extra weight calculation /*$totWeight = $own_items['weight'] + $not_own_items['weight']; if(ceil($totWeight) > $totWeight) { $diffWeight = ceil($totWeight) - $totWeight; $extraWghtCost = $diffWeight * 20; }*/ //{{New code begin $totWeight= ceil($own_items_fractional_weight+$not_own_items_fractional_weight); $extraWghtCost =$totWeight*20; //New code end}} //echo $extraWghtCost; exit; $this->db->table('cart_temp_shipping')->where('unique_id',$unique_id)->delete(); $session_data = session()->get('user_in'); $insert['cusId'] = $session_data->cusId; $insert['unique_id'] = $unique_id; $insert['totalWeight'] = $own_items['weight'] + $not_own_items['weight']; $insert['shipping'] = $shipping + $Oshipping + $extraWghtCost; $insert['grandTotal'] = $own_items['total'] + $not_own_items['total'] + $shipping + $Oshipping + $extraWghtCost; $this->db->table('cart_temp_shipping')->insert($insert); echo 'true'; } else echo 'false'; } ?>
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