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<?php $string = <<<TEXT Property has been transferred: one (Belle Property Randwick) => two (Belle Property Randwick); '10768' (7129) => '8183' (7129) - no changes to renewal, next renewal, or takeover dates because same agency or involves a private owner. Property has been transferred: three (Private Job - QLD) => four (Power House Apartments & Terraces); '11112' (2134) => '11586' (11585) - no changes to renewal, next renewal, or takeover dates because no subscription on property. Property has been transferred: three (Private Job - QLD) => six (Private Job - QLD); '3333' (4444) => '5555' (6666) - no changes to renewal, next renewal, or takeover dates because no subscription on property. TEXT; // var_export( preg_match_all("/.*transferred.*?\((Private Job - )?.*?\).*?\((Private Job - )?.*?\); '\d+' \((\d+)\) => '\d+' \((\d+)\)/", $string, $m) ? $m : 'nope' );
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